Our kids have a better relationship with Disney then they do with Dad.

Our kids have a better relationship with Disney then they do with Dad.

I wrote that few months back, and it was a bit of a wake-up-call for me.

In addition to long work hours, I noticed myself getting really annoyed with the stupid world around me and everyone’s response to covid. I wasn’t happy with my fellow humans. I felt angry and frustrated, and some days anxious.

My kids felt this too — so I shouldn’t have been surprised to notice everyone, including myself, on our screens at night — all in different rooms.

We had stopped connecting.

Disney and Netflix had started to do the parenting and providing the distraction.

We all default to distraction - when what we desperately need is connection.

So I called a reset.

Best move ever.

1. We set time limits on apps and devices

2. We set a time zone, after I get home, when there aren’t any devices - just games and discussion

It’s a constant battle to maintain.

I believe we’ll one day realise just how destructive devices are, because they fight for our family — with no good intent.

It’s time to fight back. Screw Disney, let’s bring back dad!


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